
Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung


An authentic compilation of Mao's Collected works is long over due. Especially now, its need is all the more great and urgent. But there is very little hope of such a publication being brought out officially by the CPC. However, several writings of Mao, not covered by the CPC's official publication i.e., Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung Volumes 1 to 5 -are available elsewhere. All these lie scattered in a number of english editions by western scholars and in some remote research journals etc. We do realise that even if all these are put together it will not be the collected - works nor will even be a good substitute. Yet we hope their presentation at one place, chronologically arranged, will certainly facilitate easy and ready reference, further stimulating the study of Mao's works. Hence this venture.

Many more works might have certainly remained in Chinese and even some available in English may have remained out of our reach. To come to the works included in this volume, we have neither the means nor the competence to vouch safe about their authenticity and completeness. We appeal to the readers to bear these inevitable limitations in mind while, using this book. Due to these and other reasons if any errors crept into this publication, we earnestly hope to rectify them in future editions. We fondly hope that much more additional material could come to light enabling us to substantially improve on this.

As far as possible all these writings are arranged strictly chronologically. Except indicating the primary source quoted in the originals, no attempt is made to annotate or edit the texts in any respect or in any manner.

We mention our sincere thanks and acknowledgements to all the pioneers who translated, edited and published these works in different forms earlier. We whole heartedly extend our thanks to all these comrades-- the respected scholars and loving friends -- whose unstinted co-operation and painstaking efforts contributed in a big way to the success of this venture.

We feel very happy that this volume could be brought out despite many odds. We hope to bring out the other volumes also soon. We fondly hope our effort will be well rewarded by the warm and enthusiastic response of our esteemed readers.


Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung