
Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung: Vol. VI

Publisher's Note

A Study of Physical Education (April 1917)

An Explanation of Physical Education
The Place of Physical Education in our Life
Previous Abuses of Physical Education and My Method for Remedying them
The Utility of Physical Education
The Reasons for Disliking Exercise
The Methods of Exercise Should be Few
The Points to Which we must Pay Attention When we Exercise

To Hakuro Toten (Miyazaki Toten)  (Apri1 1917)

To the Glory of the Hans: Toward A New Golden Age  (July & August 1919)

The Great Union of the Popular Masses

Miss Chao's Suicide  (November 16, 1919)

Communism and Dictatorship  (November 1920. January 1921)

The Role of the Merchants in the National Revolution  (July 11, 1923)

The Chinese Government and the Foreigners  (August 29, 1923)

The Bitter Sufferings of the Peasants in Kiangsu and Chekiang, and Their Movements of Resistance  (November 25, 1926)

The Second Anniversary of An Wu-ching's Martyrdom  (1929)

Oppose Book Worship  (May 1930)

I.   No Investigation no Right to Speak
II.  To Investigate A Problem is to Solve it
III. Oppose Book Worship
IV. Without Investigating the Actual Situation, there is Bound to be an Idealist Appraisal of Class Forces and an Idealist Guidance in Work, Resulting Either in opportunism or in Putschism
V. The Aim of Social and Economic Investigation is to Arrive at a Correct Appraisal of Class Forces and Then to Formulate Correct Tactics for The Struggle
VI. Victory in China's Revolutionary Struggle will Depend on the Chinese Comrades Understanding of Chinese Conditions
VII. The Technique of Investigation

Decree Regarding Marriage  (January 28, 1931)

A Letter from the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to Our Brothers the Soldiers of the White Army on the Subject of the Forced Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism  (September 25, 1931)

Red Army to Our Brothers the Soldiers of the White Army on the Subject of the Forced Occupation of Manchuria by Japanese Imperialism   (October 6, 1932)

The League of Nations is a League of Robbers!  (October 6, 1932)

Preliminary Conclusions of the Land Investigation Campaign  (August 29, 1933)

The Great Victory
Some Places Have Given up the Leadership of the Land Investigation Campaign
In Certain Place the Party has Surrendered to the Landlords and Rich Peasants
The Tendency to Encroach upon the Middle Peasants is The Most Serious Danger
Closed-Door-Ism of the Poor Peasant Corps and it's Negligence of the Leadership Role of the Hired Hands are Wrong.
The Incorrect Idea About the Question of Rich Peasants
The Department of the Worker's and Peasant' s Inspection has not Assumed it's Own Responsibility and Committed some Mistakes
On the Art of Leadership in the Land Investigation Struggle
Develop A Two-Front Struggle to Overcome The Mistakes and win a Thorough Victory in the Land Investigation Campaign

The Land Investigation Campaign is the Central Important Task in the Vast (Soviet) Areas  (August 31, 1933)

Report to the 2nd National Congress of Workers and Peasants Representatives  (January 23, 1934)

The Present Situation and Development of Soviet Movement
The Anti-Imperialist Movement
The Imperialist-Kuomintang Offensive Repulsed
Fundamental Policies of the Soviet

Proclamation on the Northward March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army to Fight Japan  (July, 15 1934)

To Lin Piao  (1936)

We Are Not Going to Turn the Country over to Moscow!  (July 23, 1936)

To Hsu T'eh-li  (February 1937)

Letter to the Spanish People  (May 15, 1937)

Letter to Comrade Browder  (July 24, 1937)

Inscription for the Founding of the North Shensi Public School  (1937)

Speech at the Meeting Celebrating the Completion of the Building of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University  (1937)

On Lu Hsun  (1937)

Basic Tactics (1937)

Chapter I      Introductory Remarks
Chapter II     Tactics
Chapter III    The Aim of The War
Chapter IV    Organisation
Chapter V     Tasks
Chapter VI    Operations
Chapter VII   Surprise Attacks
Chapter VIII  Espionage
Chapter IX    Ambushes
Chapter X      Surprise Attacks on The Enemy's Foraging Units
Chapter XI    Surprise Attacks on the Enemy's Transport Units
Chapter XII The Correspondence Network of a Guerrilla Unit and the Destruction of Communications Facilities in the Rear
Chapter XIII  Regular Hiding Places and Precautions to be Taken When we Halt
Chapter XIV   Training
Chapter XV     Political Work

On Guerilla Warfare  (1937)

What is Guerrilla Warfare
The Relation of Guerrilla Hostilities to Regular Operations
Guerrilla Warfare in History
Can Victory be Attained by Guerrilla Operations
Organization for Guerrilla Warfare
The Political Problems of Guerrilla Warfare
The Strategy of Guerrilla Resistance Against Japan

Dialectical Materialism  (April - June, 1938)

Chapter I   Idealism and Materialism
Chapter II  Dialectical Materialism

We Are for Roosevelt and Against Chamberlain  (January 20, 1939)

To Be Attacked by the Enemy is Not a Bad Thing but a Good Thing  (May 26, 1939)

On the Third Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College

The Second Imperialist War  (September 14, 1939)

Youth Needs Experience  (October 5, 1939)

Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese War  (December 1942)  

A Basic Summary of our Past Work
On the Development of Agriculture
On the Development of Animal Husbandry
On the Development of Handicrafts
On the Development of Cooperatives
On the Development of the Salt Industry
On the Development of Self-Supporting Industry
On the Development of the Productive Under-Takings of the Troops
On the Development of the Productive Under-Takings of Official Organisations and Schools
On Grain Work

The Comintern has Long Ceased to Meddle in Our Internal Affairs  (May 26, 1943)

Letter to the Yenan Peking Opera Theatre After Seeing "Driven to Join the Lianshan Mountain Rebels"  (January 9, 1944)

Mao's Interview with an American Journalist, Gunther Stien  (1944)

Salute the April 8th Martyrs  (1946)




Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung