
Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung

The People Of Asia, Africa And Latin America Should Unite And Drive
American Imperialism Back To Where It Came From

May 7, 1959

[SOURCE: “Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s Important Talks with Guests from Asia, Africa, and Latin America,” Foreign Languages Press, Peking, 1960, pp 2-8.]

(On 7 May, in Chengchow, Comrade Mao Tse-tung received public personages, workers for peace, trade union, youth, and student delegations and delegates from twelve African countries and regions who were then visiting China...)

Comrade Mao Tse-tung spoke of the ever-growing national and democratic movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He said that what imperialism fears most is the awakening of the Asian, African and Latin American peoples, the awakening of the peoples of all countries. We should unite and drive U.S. imperialism from Asia, Africa and Latin America back to where it came from...

Comrade Mao Tse-tung on behalf of the 650 million Chinese people, expressed full sympathy and support for the heroic struggle of the African people against imperialism and colonialism. He also expressed sympathy and support for the patriotic and just struggles of the South Korean people and the Turkish people against U.S. imperialism and its running dogs. He held that these struggles of the South Korean people and the Turkish people indicated that the storm of the struggles waged by the oppressed peoples of the various countries in Asia against imperialism and its running dogs will witness an even greater upsurge. These struggles will constitute a support to the just struggles of the African people, the Latin American people and people the world over. The just struggles of the peoples of various countries in the world support each other, Comrades Mao Tse-tung said. He thanked the African friends for their profound friendship for the Chinese people, hailed the great unity of the Chinese and African peoples and expressed firm confidence that ultimate victory will certainly be won in the common struggle against imperialism and colonialism.

(On 8 May, in Chengchow Comrade Mao Tse-tung received friends from eight Latin American countries then visiting China...)

Comrade Mao Tse-tung thanked them for their friendship for the Chinese people. The Chinese people, he said, just like the Latin American people had long suffered from imperialist oppression and exploitation. Relying on their own unity and support from the peoples of various countries, the Chinese people had carried on hard and prolonged struggles and ultimately had over-thrown the rule of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic-capitalism in China. They are now building their own country and changing its appearance of ‘poverty and blankness’. The Chinese people are fully confident that they can build their country and therefore they need time, peace, and friends. The Cuban people, the people of Latin America and the people of the whole world, he said, are all friends of the Chinese people; and imperialism and its running dogs are our common enemy, but they are a tiny minority. The winning of world peace, he said, depends primarily on the struggles of the peoples of the various countries. Comrade Mao Tse-tung expressed admiration for the heroic struggle of the Cuban people against U.S. imperialism. The struggles of the peoples of Cuba and other Latin American countries have helped the Chinese people, he said, and the struggle of the Chinese people has also helped the peoples of Cuba and other Latin American countries. The people are the decisive factor. Reliance on the unity and struggle of the people is bound to bring about the defeat of imperialism and its running dogs and achieve lasting world peace.

(On 9 May, Chairman Mao Tse-tung received in Chengchow friends from the Iraqi Cultural Delegation, the Iraqi workers Delegation, the Iranian Trade Union Delegation, and the Delegation of the Cyprus Confederation of Workers....)

Comrade Mao Tse-tung said that U.S. imperialism is the biggest imperialism in the world today. It has its running dogs in many countries. Those backed by imperialism are precisely those discarded by the broad masses of the people. Chiang Kai-shek, Syngman Rhee, Kishi, Batista, Said, Menderes and their ilk have either been overthrown or will be overthrown by the people. The rising of the people in these countries against the running dogs of U.S. and other imperialism are also fights against the reactionary rule of imperialism itself. The Japanese people are rising in action, Comrade Mao Tse-tung said. The broad masses of the Japanese people are now holding demonstrations on a bigger scale than ever to fight against the aggressive military alliance treaty signed between the Kishi Government and U.S. imperialism. The Chinese people resolutely support this struggle waged by the Japanese people. The just struggles of the peoples of the various countries in the world, he said, have received and will continue to receive firm support from the 650 million people of China. The days of imperialism are numbered, he said. The imperialists have committed all manners of evils and all the oppressed peoples of the whole world will never forgive them. To defeat the reactionary rule of imperialism, Comrade Mao Tse-tung said, it is necessary to form a broad front and unite with all forces, except the enemy, and continue to wage arduous struggles....

(On 14 May, in Wuhan, Comrade Mao Tse-tung received friends from Japan, Cuba, Brazil and Argentina...)

Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung