
Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung: Vol. III

The Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan (II)

Preface and Postscript to Rural Surveys (March and April 1941)


Reform our Study (May 1941)

Expose the Plot for a Far Eastern Munich (May 25, 1941)

On the International United Front Against Fascism (June 23, 1941)

Speech at the Assembly of Representatives of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region (November 21, 1941)

Rectify the Party's Style of Work (February 1, 1942)

Oppose Stereotyped Party Writing (February 8, 1942)

Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art (May 1942)


A Most Important Policy (September 7, 1942)

The Turning Point in World War II (October 12, 1942)

In Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the October Revolution (November 6, 1942)

Economic and Financial Problems in the Anti-Japanese War (December 1942)

Some Questions Concerning Methods of Leasership (June 1, 1943)

Some Pointed Questions for the Kuomintang (July 12, 1943)

Spread the Campaigns to Reduce Rent, Increase Production and "Support the Government and Cherish the People" In the Base Areas (October 1, 1943)

A Comment on the Sessions of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee and the People's Political Council (October 5, 1943)

Get Organized! (November 29, 1943)

Our Study and the Current Situation (April 12, 1944)

Serve the People (September 8,1944)

On Chiang Kai-shek's Speech on the Double Tenth Festival (October 11, 1944)

The United Front in Cultural Work (October 30, 1944)

We Must Learn to Do Economic Work (January 10, 1945)

Production is Also Possible in the Guerilla Zone (January 31, 1945)

China's Two Possible Destinies (April 23, 1945)

On Coalition Government (April 24, 1945)

I. The Fundamental Demands of the Chinese People
II. The International and the Domestic Situation
III Two Lines in the Anti-Japanese War

The Key to China's Problems
History Follows a Tortuous Course
The People's War
Two Battle Fronts
China's Liberated Areas
The Kuomintang Areas
A Contrast
Who Is "Sabotaging the War of Resistance and Endangering the State"?
"Disobedience to Governmental and Military Orders"
The Danger of Civil War Negotiations
Two Prospects

IV. The Policy of the Chinese Communist Party

Our General Programme
Our Specific Programme

1. Destroy the Japanese Aggressors Completely, Allow No Compromise Halfway
2. Abolish the Kuomintang One-Party Dictatorship, Establish a Democratic Coalition Government
3. Freedom for the People
4. Unity of the People
5. The People's Army
6. The Land Problem
7. The Problem of Industry
8. The Problem of Culture, Education and Tbe Intellectuals
9. The Problem of the Minority Nationalities
10. The Problem of Foreign Policy

The Tasks in the Kuomintang Areas
The Tasks in the Japanese-Occupied Areas
The Tasks in the Liberated Areas

V. Let the Whole Party Unite and Fight to Accomplish Its Tasks!

The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains (June 11, 1945)

On Production by the Army for Its Own Support and On the Importance of the Great Movements for Rectification and for Production (April 27, 1945)

The Hurley-Chiang Duet is a Flop (July 10, 1945)

On the Danger of the Hurley Policy (July 12, 1945)

Telegram to Comrade William Z. Foster (July 29, 1945)

The Last Round with the Japanese Invaders (August 9, 1945)



Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung