
Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung: Vol. II

The Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan

Policies, Measures and Perspectives for Resisting the Japanese Invasion (July 23, 1937)

I. Two Policies
II. Two Sets of Measures
III. Two Perspectives
IV. Conclusion

For the Mobilization of All the Nation's Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance (August 25, 1937)

Combat Liberalism (September 7, 1937)

Urgent Tasks Following the Establishment of Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation (September 29, 1937)

Interview with the British Journalist James Bertram (October 25, 1937)

The Communist Party of China and the War of Resistance
The War Situation and Its Lessons
The Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance
Capitulationism in the War of Resistance
Democracy and the War of Resistance

The Situation and Tasks in the Anti-Japanese War After the Fall of Shanghai and Taiyuan (November 12, 1937)

I. The Present Situation Is One of Transition from a War of Partial Resistance to a War of Total Resistance
II. Capitulationism Must Be Combated Both Inside the Party and Throughout the Country

Inside the Party, Oppose Class Capitulationism
In the Country as a Whole, Oppose National Capitulationism
The Relation Between Class Capitulationism and National Capitulationism

Proclamation by the Government of the Shensi-Kansu ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army (May 15, 1938)

Problems of Strategy in Guerilla War Against Japan (May 1938)

Chapter I
Why Raise the Question of Strategy in Guerrilla War?
Chapter II
The Basic Principle of War Is to Preserve Oneself and Destroy the Enemy Chapter III
Six Specific Problems of Strategy in Guerrilla War Against Japan
Chapter IV
Initiative, Flexibility and Planning in Conducting Offensives Within the Defensive, Battles of Quick Decision Within Protracted War, and Exterior-Line Operations Within Interior-Line Operations
Chapter V
Co-ordination with Regular Warfare
Chapter VI
The Establishment of Base Areas

1. The Types of Base Areas
2. Guerrilla Zones and Base Areas
3. Conditions for Establishing Base Areas
4. The Consolidation and Expansion of Base Areas
5. Forms in Which We and the Enemy Encircle One Another

Chapter VII
The Strategic Defensive and the Strategic Offensive in Guerrilla War

The Strategic Defensive in Guerrilla War
The Strategic Offensive in Guerrilla War

Chapter VIII
Development of Guerrilla War into Mobile War
Chapter IX
The Relationship of Command

On Protracted War (May 1938)

Statement of the Problem
The Basis of the Problem
Refutation of the Theory of National Subjugation
Compromise or Resistance? Corruption or Progress?
The Theory of National Subjugation Is Wrong and the Theory of Quick Victory Is Likewise Wrong
Why a Protracted War?
The Three Stages of the Protracted War
A War of Jig-Saw Pattern
Fighting for Perpetual Peace
Man's Dynamic Role in War
War and Politics
Political Mobilization for the War of Resistance
The Object of War
Offence Within Defence, Quick Decisions Within a Protracted War, Exterior Lines Within Interior Lines
Initiative, Flexibility and Planning
Mobile Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare and Positional Warfare
War of Attrition and War of Annihilation
The Possibilities of Exploiting the Enemy's Mistakes
The Question of Decisive Engagements in the Anti-Japanese War
The Army and the People Are the Foundation of Victory

The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the National War (October 1938)

Patriotism and Internationalism
Communists Should Set an Example in the National War
Unite the Whole Nation and Combat Enemy Agents in Its Midst
Expand the Communist Party and Prevent Infiltration by Enemy Agents
Maintain Both the United Front and the Independence of the Party
Consider the Situation as a Whole, Think in Terms of the Majority, and Work Together with Our Allies
Cadres Policy
Party Discipline
Party Democracy
Our Party Has Consolidated Itself and Grown Strong Through the Struggle on Two Fronts
The Present Struggle on Two Fronts
Unity and Victory

The Question of Independence and Initiative Within (November 5, 1938)

Help and Concessions Should Be Positive, Not Negative
The Identity Between the National and the Class Struggle
"Everything Through the United Front" Is Wrong

Problems of War and Strategy (November 6, 1938)

I. China's Characteristics and Revolutionary War
II. The War History of the Kuomintang
III. The War History of the Chinese Communist Party
IV. Changes in the Party's Military Strategy in the Civil War and the National War
V. The Strategic Role of Guerrilla Warfare Against Japan
VI. Pay Great Attention to the Study of Military Matters

The May 4th Movement (May 1939)

The Orientation of the Youth Movement (May 4, 1939)

Oppose Capitulationist Activity (June 30, 1939)

The Reactionaries Must Be Punished (August 1, 1939)

Interview With a New China Daily Correspondent on the New International Situation (September 1, 1939)

Interview with Three Correspondents from the Central News Agency, the Sao Tang Pao and the Hsin Min Pao (September 16, 1939)

The Identity of Interests Between the Soviet Union and All Mankind (September 28, 1939)

Introducing The Communist (October 4, 1939)

The Current Situation and the Party's Tasks (October 10, 1939)

Recruit Large Numbers of Intellectuals (December 1, 1939)

The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party (December 1939)

Chapter I
Chinese Society

The Chinese Nation
The Old Feudal Society
Present-Day Colonial, Semi-Colonial and Semi-Feudal Society

Chapter II
The Chinese Revolution

1. The Revolutionary Movements in the Last Hundred Years
2. The Targets of the Chinese Revolution
3. The Tasks of the Chinese Revolution
4. The Motive Forces of the Chinese Revolution
5. The Character of the Chinese Revolution
6. The Perspectives of the Chinese Revolution
7. The Twofold Task of the Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party

Stalin, Friend of the Chinese People (December 20, 1939)

In Memory of Norman Bethune (December 21, 1939)

On New Democracy (January 1940)

I. Whither China?
II. We Want to Build a New China
III. China's Historical Characteristics
IV. The Chinese Revolution Is Part of the World Revolution
V. The Politics of New Democracy
VI. The Economy of New Democracy
VII. Refutation of Bourgeois Dictatorship
VIII. Refutation of "Left" Phrase-mongering
IX. Refutation of the Die-hards
X. The Three People's Principles, Old and New
XI. The Culture of New Democracy
XII. The Historical Characteristics of China's Cultural Revolution
XIII. The Four Periods
XIV. Some Wrong Ideas About the Nature of Culture
XV. A National, Scientific and Mass Culture

Overcome the Danger of Capitulation and Strive for a turn for the Better (January 28, 1940)

Unite all Anti-Japanese Forces and Combat the Anti-Communist Die Hards (February 1, 1940)

Ten Demands on the Kuomintang (February 1, 1940)

Introducing The Chinese Worker (February 7, 1940)

We Must Stress Unity and Progress (February 10, 1940)

New-Democratic Constitutional Government (February 20, 1940)

On the Question of Political Power in the Anti-Japanese Base Areas (March 6, 1940)

Current Problems of Tactics in the Anti-Japanese United Front (March 11, 1940)

Freely Expand the Anti-Japanese Forces and Resist the Onslaughts of the Anti-Communist Die-Hards (May 4, 1940)

Unity to the Very End (July 1940)

On Policy (December 25, 1940)

Order and Statement on the Southern Anhwei Incident (January 1941)

Order of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Statement by the Spokesman of the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to a Correspondent of the Hsinhua News Agency

The Situation After the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (March 18, 1941)

Conclusions on the Repulse of the Second Anti-Communist Onslaught (May 8, 1941)




Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung